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Welcome to

St Lawrence

Catholic Primary School

"Our school is a place where we all come together as one community to learn, have fun and make lasting friendships all under God's love and care."

Enrichment at St Lawrence


Education is more than just mastering English and Maths - it's also about activities that extend children's learning through new experiences and opportunities.  Enrichment makes a subject more meaningful or more rewarding.  All children benefit from enrichment.  It allows children to look at subjects in more depth, and give them opportunities to explore and use their imagination. It helps provide children with a rounded, culturally rich education through activities that enhance their learning. Enrichment gives children opportunities to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals. It helps to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom, and can develop an appreciation for cultural and community issues, teamwork and social responsibility.


Enrichment in schools takes many forms.

At St Lawrence we offer challenge activities within lessons, in teacher-set tasks and extension work.

Examples of how we provide enrichment within the daily timetable include:

  • Encouraging children to do further research into a subject, for example by using books and websites, compiling presentations, or making posters
  • Setting tiered activities that take into account the different abilities within the class and allow more able students to work at a higher or wider level
  • Enabling small groups to work with a teacher or LSA to explore a subject in greater depth – also known as an ‘enrichment cluster’
  • Helping children develop social and interpersonal skills through activities such as circle time and debates
  • Passing on their skills and knowledge to younger children, such as by being a reading buddy as we do during Book week.


Much enrichment takes place outside the classroom or the timetable of the normal school day.

Enrichment opportunities at St Lawrence include lunchtime and after-school clubs like chess, computing, art or sports clubs

  • Music lessons (paid for by parents) and opportunities to use musical talents, for example in choirs – both practising and performing
  • School plays, assemblies and sports day
  • School trips and residential visits
  • Whole-school events like World Book Day, Art and DT day, Music day and Language Day
  • Supporting charities through activities or food bank collections
  • Cycling training
  • Visiting speakers, for example authors, local figures or parents who have skills or expertise to share
  • Local or national challenges Maths or sport competitions
  • Being active in the local community, such as through litter picks or carol singing in elderly care homes.

DFE My Activity Passport

Enrichment Dates
