Prayer Life
Celebrating Faith During the Liturgical Year
Prayer tables: Cloths are green at start of academic year.
Harvest Thanksgiving: We have a Junior Harvest Mass and Infants have a Harvest Service. Produce is collected for local food banks.
Month of the Rosary: October is the month of the Rosary. Classes are encouraged to pray at least a decade of the Rosary each day.
Advent: The prayer table should be changed to purple.
This is the season to prepare for Christmas Introduction and blessing of the Advent Wreath.
Christmas: Celebration of the Nativity through drama led, EYFS & KS1.Juniors are led by Y6 in a Carol concert with a dramatisation of the nativity story. Junior children take part in a Gift Mass and Infants take part in a Gift Service. All gifts collects are donated to local community.
Prayer tables: Cloths are gold for Christmas season then green for Ordinary Time after Feast of Baptism of Our Lord.
Epiphany: (if in term time) – Parish Mass
Holy Family: (if in term time) – Parish Mass
Lent: The prayer table should be changed to purple. During the season of Lent all KS2 children and staff have the opportunity for Reconciliation with Fr. John in School.
Stations of the cross: KS2 visit our Parish Church for Stations of the Cross with Fr. John.
Easter: The resurrection of our Lord is celebrated during the school holidays however covered through 4 week RE topic. Special assembly and displays to highlight the importance of this feast. Foundation stage have an Easter bonnet parade and Y4 lead a Passion service in our Parish Church.
Prayer table: Cloths are gold for Easter season until Pentecost where they change to green for Ordinary Time.
First Holy Communion: The children in Year 3 (there may be children from other year groups) make their First Holy Communion on a Saturday in May. The school community celebrates with all the children at the Parish Thanksgiving Mass and party in the school hall.
May the month of Mary: In Honour of Our Lady KS2 hold a service led by y5 in our Parish Church. KS1 have a service in the school hall which is led by Y1. KS2 say the Angelus daily whilst KS1 recite the Hail Mary at noon.
Ascension: Covered in RE Topic work
Pentecost: Covered in RE Topic work
Corpus Christi: Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic adoration in the Church Yr2 -6.
Feast of St. Peter and Paul: Celebrated with Mass in our Parish Church.
Leaver Mass, assembly and disco: A farewell celebration for the Year 6 leavers. This is where they are presented with their Bible.
What are the Little Larries ?
In honour of our patron Saint Lawrence we have 'Little Larries' throughout KS2.
This group of children co-ordinates all the child led charity work in the school and encourages the school as a whole to follow in the steps of St Lawrence. Our aim is to support the poor and sick and help to spread the faith by our example not only within our own community but also to work with our link school in Tanzania. Serving the Lord with a smile on our face.
There is a staff prayer and reflection which takes place in the school. All teaching staff are expected to attend.Every day children will take part in structured collective worship which is either key stage/whole school assemblies or Class collective worship. All year groups will say the Morning Prayer, lunchtime prayer before and after and end of day prayer. In addition to silent, spontaneous or informal prayer, children should be familiar with the following formal prayers of the Church
On Holy Days, children have the opportunity to attend morning Mass. During particular seasons of the Church, special services, such as Stations of the Cross during Lent, will be held in the Church or in the Hall.