
School Logo

Welcome to

St Lawrence

Catholic Primary School

"Our school is a place where we all come together as one community to learn, have fun and make lasting friendships all under God's love and care."

School Uniform

When children start in the autumn term they may come to school in either summer or winter uniform. Parents will be informed of the date when all children will be expected to be in winter uniform. You will also be informed of the date when the children will be expected to be in summer uniform.


Uniform such as skirts, pinafores, trousers and polo shirts / shirts can be purchased from a range of clothing retailers and supermarkets.  Uniform with our school logo can be purchased from Sanco, Hounslow.


We have a limited amount of quality used uniform available to purchase.  We regularly hold used uniform sales throughout the academic year.  Please contact the school office for more information.


Our school uniform suppliers details, including online orders can be found at the bottom of this page. 



Nursery Winter & Summer Uniform 

School Logo PE Tracksuit

(Top and Bottoms)

White Logo PE T-shirt &

green logo PE shorts

Black TrainersBlack, white or grey socks



Reception Winter Uniform
White polo shirtWhite polo shirt
Grey trousersGreen skirt or green pinafore
School Logo jumper or cardiganSchool Logo jumper or cardigan
Grey or black socks

White socks

red, green, white or black tights

Black Shoes – strong flat footwear which can be polished

(trainers and boots are not permitted)

  Black Shoes – strong flat footwear which can be polished

(trainers and boots are not permitted)



Reception Summer Uniform 

May be worn after Easter to October half term only

White polo shirt & Grey shortsGreen & white stripe dress 

Strong black sandals may replace black shoes but

not open toed or open backed sandals

Strong black sandals may replace black shoes but

not open toed or open backed sandals



Year 1 to Year 6 Winter Uniform
White shirtWhite blouse / shirt

School tie

Years 1-2 elastic tie, Years 3-6 full tie

School tie

Years 1-2 elastic tie, Years 3-6 full tie

Grey trousersGreen skirt or pinafore
School Logo jumper or cardiganSchool Logo jumper or cardigan
Grey or black socks

White socks

red, green, white or black tights

Black Shoes – strong flat footwear which can be polished

(trainers and boots are not permitted)

Black Shoes – strong flat footwear which can be polished

(trainers and boots are not permitted)



Year 1 to Year 6 Summer Uniform

May be worn after Easter to October half term only

White polo shirt – no tie

Year 5 and 6 only (optional)

White polo shirt and green skirt - no tie

Grey shorts or trousersYear 1 – 6 green & white stripe dress

Strong black sandals may replace black shoes but

not open toed or open backed sandals

Strong black sandals may replace black shoes but

not open toed or open backed sandals



PE Kit - Reception to Year 6

Green logo shorts, white logo T shirt & Black or white trainers

School logo PE Tracksuit for outdoor sports during colder months



Children will come to school dressed in their PE Kit on their PE day

Reception - Tuesday (From January 2025)

Year 1 - Tuesday and Friday 

Year 2 - Wednesday and Friday

Year 3 - Monday and Wednesday

Year 4 - Thursday and Friday

Year 5 - Tuesday and Thursday

Year 6 - Tuesday and Thursday

Coats - Children should wear a warm, waterproof school coat. The coat should ideally have a hood. Hooded tops and denim coats are not permitted at any time of year.


Trainers - Trainers must not be worn unless as part of the school PE kit on their designated PE day. Trainers can be changed into during playtimes if required to protect school shoes, will continue at the discretion of the Head teacher.


Hair - All pupils with hair below the collar must wear their hair tied back with hair accessories in the school colours of red, green or black. Parents need to be mindful that these accessories should be tidy and that they should not be more than are necessary to keep the child’s hair tied back as they could cause a health and safety risk to themselves and other children. Hair can be cut short, but not shaved or have designs cut into the hair. Gel should not be applied to any child’s hair for school.


Jewellery - Earrings, studs and other jewellery other than a simple watch are not permitted in school under any circumstances.


Children are expected to conform to the school rules on the wearing of correct uniform. This includes the wearing of certain types of shoes or boots. Trainers are not allowed except for changing into during the lunch break for playing games outside. All items in school must be labelled clearly.



School logo jumpers and cardigans can only be purchased from Sanco Schoolwear.  PE kits, PE bags, striped summer dresses, school ties and book bags (for children in years Reception - Year 3) must also be purchased from Sanco Schoolwear. 

All our school uniform is ethically sourced and produced.


Sanco Schoolwear - 60 Bell Road, Hounslow TW3 3PB

020 8570 9990 -




