Broad Areas of Need | Universal Provision | Intervention Provision | Targeted Provision |
Cognition and Learning | - Quality first teaching
- Differentiated curriculum
- Differentiated delivery
- Differentiated outcome
- Increased visual aids
- Use of writing frames
- Use of ICT
- Visual timetables
| - Catch up groups
- Phonics catch up – Letters and sounds
- Group support in English and maths
- Wellcomm
- Daily reading
- FFT Wave 3
- Shine intervention
- Speech and language groups
| - One to one support in class
- One to one withdrawal
- Speech and language intervention
- Now and next board
- Individual visual timetables
- Use of ICT
- Individual language assessments
- Referral to Education Psychologist
Communication and Interaction | - Quality first teaching
- Differentiated curriculum
- Differentiated delivery
- Differentiated outcome
- Increased visual aids
- Use of writing frames
- Use of ICT
- Visual timetables
| - Catch up groups
- Phonics catch up groups
- Group support in English and Maths
- Wellcomm
- Speech and language groups
- Whole body listening
- Language interventions recommended by SALT or commissioned SL therapist
| - One to one support in class
- One to one withdrawal
- Speech and language intervention
- Makaton
- Whole body listening
- Bucket Time
- Language interventions recommended by SALT or commissioned SL therapist
Social, Emotional and Mental Health | - Whole school and class reward system
- Whole school and class rules
- Whole school behaviour policy
- Circle time
- PSHCE lessons
| - SEAL
- Comic strip conversations
- Social stories
- Rainbows
- Social skills interventions
- Turn taking interventions
- Referral to our behaviour consultant
| - School counsellor
- One to one in class support
- One to one withdrawal
- Zones of regulation
- Writing slopes/wobble cushion
- Interventions recommended by our behaviour consultant
Sensory and/or Physical | - Quality first teaching
- Differentiated curriculum
- Differentiated delivery
- Differentiated outcome
- Teacher awareness of Sensory and Physical Impairment
| - Sensory activities
- Occupational therapy advised Intervention/exercises
- Fine motor skills interventions
| - One to one support in class
- One to one withdrawal
- Occupational therapy advised Intervention/exercises
- Use of specific resources and equipment