Times Tables
The National Curriculum expectation is that by the end of Year 4 children are able to recall all 12 tables up to 12x12. In the Summer term children in Year 4 will complete a multiplication tables check.
Learning times tables is really important. Here are just some of the ways in which learning tables can benefit your child.
- By starting with smaller tables and building up, children will learn number rules which will make learning other tables much easier
Memorising times tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads.
Beyond memorising times tables, learning and understanding how they work can do wonders for building children’s knowledge of important mathematical concepts. These include fractions, percentages and even shape.
Knowing their times tables isn’t just useful for weekly multiplication tests – they also come in handy outside of the classroom! How much would it cost to buy three comics which cost £2 each? Simply calculate 3 x 2!
Times Tables Expectations
Year 1
- Counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Year 2
- Recall multiples of 2 up to 12x2 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts fluently.
- Recall multiples of 5 up to 12x5 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency.
- Count in multiples of 3 to 12x3 in order from 0.
Year 3
Revise multiples of 2,3, 5 and 10
Recall multiples of 3 up to 12x3 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency.
Recall multiples of 4 up to 12x4 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts fluently.
Recall multiples of 8 up to 12x8 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency.
Year 4
- Recall multiples of 3,4 and 8 up to 12x in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts fluently.
Fluently count in 6’s in order up to 12x6, using multiples of 3 to support.
Recall multiples of 7 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency.
Recall multiples of 9 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency (using 10x and adjusting by 1 group to find 9x as a strategy)
Recall multiples of 11 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts fluently.
Recall multiples of 12 in any order, including missing numbers and related division facts with growing fluency (using 10x and adjusting by adding 2 more groups)
Year 5 and 6
Revise all multiplication and division facts of all 12 tables learnt
Useful Websites to help your child at home