Mission Statement
"Our school is a place where we all come together as one community to learn, have fun and make lasting friendships all under God's love and care."
Our Vision and Values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which develops our pupils as confident, happy citizens. We endeavour to provide a safe, enjoyable, learning environment, coupled with strong Catholic values which allow all our students to achieve their maximum potential inside and out-side the classroom.
Our school’s Mission Statement has a high profile across the school and was written in collaboration with pupils, parents and staff. It encapsulates what we want to achieve as witnesses to Christ and his call to human flourishing. It strengthens our Behaviour Policy and our School Motto. Our School Motto was created through staff discussion and agreement on what we wish to be the ‘Saint Lawrence Way.’
# K I N D
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Inquisitive and imaginative minds
Nurturing and compassionate hearts
Devoted to living as God’s children
We have created visual references to our school motto throughout the school, culminating in a central hall display listing the qualities we aspire for all our pupils to possess. In this way we try to help pupils learn that respect for others; using our talents; trying our best; caring for others are all essential to serving the community and developing to be the children of God. We strive to support and develop our pupils to reach their full potential as created by God.
'The building and reconfiguration works have significantly improved the environment for the staff and the children and have made a positive impact in terms of highlighting the schools vision'
HEP Peer Challenge November 2021