The Friends of St Lawrence
The Friends of St Lawrence exists to foster a feeling of ‘community’ amongst the parents and children, through its social events, whilst at the same time raising funds for the benefit of the school. All parents of St Lawrence School children are automatically members of The Friends of St Lawrence.
Apart from holding events which enable parents and children to socialise with each other, the friends, through its fundraising activities, generates an income on average of £20,000 per year, all of which is used to provide a wide range of additional school equipment and some optional extras to enrich the school curriculum. In the last few years, the Friends of St Lawrence have paid for many different items including the nursery play frame, astro turf for the junior playground and interactive whiteboards for every classroom.
Throughout the year we have several events including cake sales, family discos, mufti days, uniform sales, clothing collections and the Summer BBQ.
How can you help?
There are a number of ways that you can help support The Friends of St Lawrence, such as:
Donating for raffles and auctions, supporting our events by encouraging your children to get involved and by ’attending and spending’, helping out at events or joining our committee.
Details of upcoming events can be found in your child's classroom window and throughout the school.
Please continue to support events in whatever ways you can and thank you for your continued support.
Dagmara and Team
Raising free donations for our school when you shop online couldn’t be easier. There are over 3700 retailers like John Lewis, Amazon, eBay and Apple, all ready to help you raise more for your child's school when you shop with them. Every time you shop online via the easyfundraising website we receive a donation for free. Over £1800 has already been raised so far!
Simply register with and support The Friends of St Lawrence RC School or click the link below.
The 200 Club at St Lawrence was originally set up to raise the funds needed to run a school minibus. In more recent years, the Club’s continuing contributions have helped to support other key activities such as school outings and the children’s wide range of sporting endeavours. In fact, without the support of the 200 Club, many of these activities would simply not be possible, so your support is central.
To become a member of the Club, just complete a form and you will be assigned one number for each £1.00 you pay per month. There are no limits to how many numbers you can have, or indeed who can hold them. The more numbers you hold, the greater the likelihood of winning – and yes, there has been an occasion where one holder has won more than one prize in the same monthly draw! Winners names are published in the School newsletter.
1st Prize £50.00
2nd Prize £25.00
3rd Prize £10.00
With the help of the 200 Club members, over £10,000 has been donated to the school in the last 10 years and, with the support of new and current members, the 200 Club can continue to make donations to our school.