The School Building Fund
The School Building Fund
St Lawrence Catholic Primary School is a 'Voluntary Aided Faith School'. This status allows us to ensure that our Catholic Faith is part of our everyday life at school and propagates our faith in Feltham. It is one of the main reasons why you have chosen to send your children here.
Parents are asked to make an annual voluntary contribution to support the maintenance of the school. This fund is held by the Governors in an account called The School Building Fund.
This fund is entirely separate from the main school budget allocated by the Local Authority to the school under a formula based on the number of pupils in the school. The school budget is used to educate our children, pay our staff , purchase educational resources and also for running costs like electricity and water.
Why do we have the School Building Fund?
Unlike Local Authority state schools, voluntary aided schools are required to contribute 10% towards the cost of any refurbishment or building works.we only receive 90% of the cost of any work that needs doing to keep the school premises in a good state of repair and fit for purpose (known as ‘Capital Projects’). That means the school’s Governing Body together with the parents and parishioners have to raise the remaining 10% of these costs. This is obviously quite a challenge, as the only ways that we can do so are through fundraising, corporate sponsorship or voluntary contributions. Whilst we do explore alternative sources of income, we are heavily dependent on your generosity - as parishioners and parents - to support us in providing a decent learning environment for your children.
What has it funded?
In 2019 we carried out an urgent and impressive refurbishment of the Infant Building, where we re-configured our school entrance to increase safeguarding on-site, and also increased the size of our Early Years provision. We also overhauled the heating and hot water system in the whole building.
Total Project cost: £750,000 with our school contribution of £75,000 (10%)
In 2021 our heating system in the junior building failed beyond repair. We couldn’t let our children suffer in cold classrooms especially with the threat of Covid still around so we installed a brand new heating and hot water system.
Total Project Cost: £148,000 with our school contribution of £14,800 (10%)
In 2022 we we commissioned a state-of-the-art permanent building – ‘El Camino’ - to replace the huts, and meet our children’s needs. This is now fully operational. The old temporary huts were over 30 years old and were no longer fit for purpose. Our children are now educated in 4 brand new classrooms with a communal library and 2 intervention rooms.
Total Project Cost: £1,623,000 with our school contribution of £162,300 (10%)
In 2023 we installed a brand new gate and fencing along our boundary wall and reception playground. All the overgrown matter was removed and therefore we were able to increase the usable playground space and outdoor classroom. More importantly, with a higher, more secure boundary fence we are able to safeguard our children further.
Total Project Cost: £50,000 with our school contribution of £5000 (10%)
For 2024 we have been instructed by the Diocese to carry out work to ensure that the Junior building is fire safe. The building was built in 1934 and would not meet the fire regulation standards today. Work will begin in the new year.
Total Project Cost: £375,500 with our school contribution of £37,550 (10%)
How to contribute to the School Building Fund?
We have received generous donations in the past to help us and we hope you will be able to give what you can. Although we suggest a payment of £100 per family per year, we must stress, we ask you you to only pay what you can afford, and if you can pay more, extra donations are greatly appreciated.
£100 annually / £35 per term / £8 per month
If you are in paid employment and pay income tax, please complete a Gift Aid Form and return it to the school office
In a effort to suit all parents' requirements, we have a number of ways of paying:
- By logging into your Parents Pay account and making a payment/payments
- By Standing order: You can pay £100 at the beginning of each school year in September, £35 at the beginning of each term or £8 per month. To arrange a standing order, please log into your online banking account and follow the simple instructions. Our account details are shown below.
- Cheque: You can pay an annual installment by writing a cheque payable to 'St Lawrence School Private Account'. Please print the name of your child on the back of the cheque.
- Cash: You can pay by cash in a envelope marked with your child's name and hand to the school office.
All contributions are voluntary and confidential. The Governors, staff and children are very grateful to you for your support. Whilst the fund is voluntary, the Governors cannot stress its importance strongly enough and we thank you for your continued generosity and investment in our school.
Thank your for supporting our School !
Governors' Fund letter and donation forms
El Camino Upper Key Stage 2 Building